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Karrie is a pure Mountain Lover since she first came to the Alps in 1992
The mountains have always been her ‘Go to’ in times in times of challenge/growth/ soul searching
Born and raised in Ontario, CANADA - pure Canadian at heart
Karrie has been an avid and competitive runner for 26 years. She is now a passionate Mountain runner and ultra marathoner
Karrie really took on Yoga 11 years ago when she started Bikram can became hooked for years. She is now a lover of Power Vinyasa Yoga
Karrie is an espresso freak and dark chocoholic - her creative juice. Of course she is also obsessed with Cool/Funky Coffee bars
She is a Fitness Instructor since 1989 and a Personal Trainer since 1996 with CAN FIT PRO
Certified Yoga Teacher VInyasa Flow - Hatha
Karrie is Chief Adventure Guide (Hiking Guide) and owner of LIVIN ADVENTURE offering European Hiking adventures, Trail running camps, and Yoga Hiking Retreats
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Pia’s erste Erfahrungen mit Yoga und Meditation waren vor 12 Jahren auf der Reise durch Nepal.
Seit dieser Zeit beschäftigt sich Pia auf ihrem Weg mit der Philosophie und der körperlichen Auseinandersetzung von Yoga und es ist ihr sehr wichtig, dies immer wieder an ihren Lebensalltag anzupassen.
Mit großer Leidenschaft und Freude unterrichtet sie ihre Gruppen, je nach den Bedürfnissen der Menschen die teilnehmen, einfühlsam, herausfordernd und doch mit einer Prise an Humor.
Visualisierungen und yogatherapeutische Ansätze gehören zu Pia’s Praxis, genauso wie den Energiehaushalt wieder in den Fluss zu bringen.
Dies gelingt in ihren Stunden durch kraftvolle, lang gehaltene Asanas gemischt mit sanften, liebevollen Dehnungen und tiefen Entspannungen.
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Grace has been practicing yoga for 25 years and teaching for over 10. She completed the Interdisciplinary Yoga Teacher Training at the Nosara Yoga Institute in Costa Rica in 2010 and has since taught primarily Vinyasa Flow. She has been an avid practitioner and has immersed herself in a variety of styles of yoga (including Ashtanga, Bikram, Anusara, Forrest Yoga, Pre/Postnatal yoga and Annie Carpenter's SmartFLOW Yoga to name a few).
She is grateful to all of the amazing teachers and countless experiences she has had at studios, workshops, trainings and festivals etc. across the US, in Central America, and in Europe that have inspired her over the years. In her teaching, she offers creative sequencing focusing on breathing and moving mindfully, close attention to alignment, and a relaxed atmosphere in which she enjoys encouraging students in their own personal practices and explorations. She never ceases to be amazed by all of the transformation, discovery, fun and endless possibilities yoga has to offer.
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Nina ist in Linz aufgewachsen, zog aber fürs Studium in ihre jetzige Wahlheimat Innsbruck, wo sie hauptberuflich als Medizinphysikerin tätig ist.
Yoga begleitet sie seit Anfang 2019, wobei ihr Fokus seit Beginn auf Hot Vinyasa, Bikram Yoga und Power Yoga lag.
Sie unterrichtet unter anderem 'Yoga for Runners' bei dem Sportverein Early Birds, und absolvierte das 200h YTT für Ashtanga.
Neben Yoga zählen das Laufen, Klettern und Wandern zu ihren großen Hobbies. Ihre Schwächen liegen bei Obst - aber auch bei Popcorn und Soletti :-)
Bei Yoga Health Innsbruck unterrichtet Nina Candlelight Mindful Yoga & Yin Yoga!
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Martina, on a quest to balance the elements of Fire and Water in her yoga practice, delves into the profound essence of feminity.
She completed her YTT in Rishikesh in 2017 and with over a decade of dedicated practice , she intertwines the dynamic power of Fire and the fluidity of Water in her teachings.
Through creative sequences, breath awareness, and a focus on mindful movement, Martina invites students to explore the physical, embracing the feminine energy that weaves through every pose, creating a space where transformation and empowerment gracefully coexist.
Martina teaches Vinyasa Flow at her favorite studio Yoga Health Innsbruck.